Daily Planner BOGO is LIVE!!!

It's About Logistics

Day 2: 




Make it happen. One thingI have struggled with since having Rory is making decisions. Something as simple as making dinner to booking a vacation feels so overwhelming. I try to check all the boxes all the time to avoid disaster. This makes you crazy. Don’t be like me. I am actively working on correcting this, one way I do is by long term planing. 


If I can take the time to plan out things, when there is no pressure and my back isn’t up against the wall, I tend to have a lot more success with making it all happen. So, we’re going to talk about what that looks like. Take your word and you vision board. Sit down with your partner, husband and kids if they are old enough. It’s family planning time! 


Before you dive in, It’s time to be honest. Where could you use help? Everyone has places they need to be and things they need to do. Delegate responsibility and assign tasks. Share responsibilities with your team.


Let’s say building deeper connections with your children is one of your hopes in the New Year. So you set out to read to your kids 3  nights a week. Thinking about making this commitment, overwhelms you so it never takes off. Or maybe your like me and start only to stop. You feel like you’re dropping the ball in some other area. How can we support ourselves to make this goal happen?  Can we ask your partner if they would be willing to  sharing the responsibility pulling you away from reading?  This is just one example. If you have older children, can you ask them to read to their siblings some nights? There is always a way. We have to slow down and try to see the trees through the woods. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. 


We can want a million things to come to pass in our lives but if we don’t build an environment conducive to cultivating the life we want, our dreams, the family legacy will never manifest they way we hope. What's your environment? What needs to change so new things can grow? Share this statement with your family, "developing your story is a joint effort". Now, let's start putting small steps on paper.


Look at you vision board, ask yourself "what are the stepping stones to our mountain top moments". Build them out on your calendar. Write in those small step.


 A simple example would be,  We want to be an active family in 2021.  Starting in January we are going to do some family workouts. When weather permits we are going to start walking. I know it seems silly but write these out on your calendar. Wednesdays are our walking days. 


Being a _______ family, mom or whatever isn’t about one moment, its about daily rhythms. The rhythms or lack there of define our lives. They are what make up the stories we retell ourselves. They are how we determine a good year from a bad one. Don’t focus so much on the goal as an ideal your striving to become. The day you take the action, you are “it". You are the ideal. It’s not a destination, it’s a daily action.  


Can you share what daily rhythms will help realign your family? What’s will the days and months hold for you. How will these actions contribute to the story you will tell this time next year? 

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