The Importance of Staying Organized

Developing a routine is a huge challenge. Holding tight to one is even harder.
If we’re being honest with ourselves, our children and their lives are like unpredictable winds at sea. We never know what way they are going to blow and at what velocity.
As I have become more seasoned in my role as a mother to multiple children with wide-ranging schedules, I can no longer just be the boat that holds all the things and my people. I need to be anchored...or our boat will be vulnerable to irreparable damage from the demands we face.
How can we, as parents, anchor our boats? How can we prepare for unpredictable seas?
Be prepared to weather the storm
Think about what a captain does before leaving the harbor. What rhythms have they developed to ensure they are as prepared as possible for what's to come, known and unknown?
First, they check their boat to ensure it’s in good standing, that it’s functional. There can’t be any holes or broken parts. A broken boat won’t float. Your people will show up, ready to board, and it will already be sinking at the dock.
You are the boat. You have to take care of yourself to take care of others. Read more about the importance of self-care here.
Next, they take inventory. Do they have everything they need? We can’t expect ourselves to set out for our day without taking stock of what we will need and preparing it. Doing this the day or days before a busy week or month is so important. The Glory Days Planner can help.
Failing to support yourself by preparing backpacks, putting gas in your car ahead of time, prepping meals, or whatever needs to be done, will be the first tipping point in your day. Save yourself the stress of running around looking for keys, shoes, medicines, or toys, with kids in tow and the clock ticking down to your next appointment.
Make checklists and to-do lists. Write it down. Do the work ahead of time and make it easy for your future self. We want our boat to make it out of the marina.
Plot your course in advance
Using a planner to stay organized is like checking a map before setting sail. I’ve had so many crazy days that I could have avoided if I had simply written out what needed to be done.
I had a few solid checkpoints that I based my day around, like my child’s appointments. I would make it to those appointments, but I wouldn’t accomplish anything else I needed to do to keep our lives running.
Going to the store. Picking up dry cleaning. Getting the car fixed. Remembering a loved one’s birthday. All of those tasks fell to the wayside because I wasn’t organized.
By using the hour-by-hour breakdown in a planner to write down more than just your children’s appointments, you’ll feel more accomplished and make the most of your day. Think of it as a plan that you can reference when your mind isn’t clear and your car is filled with the noise of little ones. It’ll help you stay on course when you begin to feel lost.
Keep looking toward the horizon
I can’t imagine sailing on a big sea surrounded by endless water for days on end, failing to look at what’s to come. If we get consumed with the sameness of our day-to-day, we can start to feel like we are drowning in the vastness of it all. You must have goals to keep you going.
What’s the larger picture? What is your horizon?
Use the intention setting pages at the start of each month in The Glory Days Planner to set goals. Add the small actions steps to your daily pages to remind you to stay focused. The gratitude section at the end of every week will help you reflect on your progress and legacy.
Keep your eyes on the horizon. The Glory Days Planner can help you hold the future in your view.